Incentivize your attendees to attend more events or buy more tickets with Promotions & Discount Codes.
Promotions & Discount Codes adds powerful and flexible promotional pricing features to your events. You can create individual discount codes or promotions that are automatically applied when your attendees are registering for an event or buying tickets.
❤️ Special Launch Price: $15/mo $10/mo.
Start your 14-day free trial today!
Benefits and Strategies of Using Promotions & Discount Codes
As an event organizer, promotions and and discount codes allow you to:
- Target and re-target attendees with banners or email campaigns offering automatic discounts or giving them special discounts with a code
- Distribute and promote your event through partners (speakers, sponsors, venues, affiliates, etc.) by offering them a special coupon code they can share with their audience
- Track and measure the performance of marketing campaigns and advertising
- Reward loyal customers by offering them a special discount and incentivize them to attend again
- Encourage customers to take action now by offering limited quantity or limited time discounts
- Test and discover what pricing, distribution, marketing or advertising strategy works best for your audience(s)
- Offer discounts to different target audiences so that your event is priced perfectly
Examples of using promotions and discount codes for events:
- Create a discount code that only works for the first 100 attendees, and send that discount code to your marketing list to encourage people to register sooner (this discount can be in addition to your early-bird tickets)
- Create a discount code for a radio or banner advertising campaign and track how many registrations use that code
- Create a discount code and send it to past attendees as a loyalty discount, that past attendees can use themselves or share with someone else
- Create different discount codes with different discount amounts and distribute only one of those discount codes to a portion of the same customer segment to collect data on the best price attracts more attendees or is most profitable
- Offer a special discount code to your newsletter subscribers (as a thank you for subscribing)
- Offer attendees from an entire organization (e.g. vendors, sponsors, speakers, etc.) a reduced price with their very own discount code and track how many times it gets used.
Start marketing your next event with special promotions and discounts.
Visit the Promotions & Discount Codes and documentation pages for more information. Start your 14-day free trial today!
Contact us if you have a question.
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